Monday, February 26, 2007

      Featured Fungus Treatment: ZetaClear Fungus Treatment

Foot Fungus Nail

Usually caused by fungal species known as dermatophytes, foot fungus nail infections are common, embarrassing, and difficult to get rid of. Usually picked up in the environment, dermatophytes are specially adapted to life in human nails and hair, on human skin, and on hooves, fur, and horn of animals. The reason that these organism can live in these places when other organisms cannot is because they are able to break down keratin, a protein found in these non-living tissues.

The very thing that makes it possible for a fungal species to cause a foot nail fungus infection – the ability to live on protein in non-living tissue, is the same thing that makes a nail infection (onychomycosis) difficult to treat successfully. Hair, nails, and dead skin cells have no blood supply or nerve endings - the immune system of the body is not able to act against a fungus living inside a hair or a nail. It's essentially dead tissue with no immune response to infection. Foot fungus nail, hair, and skin infections need special medications. The incidence of these infections increases with age, and they are difficult to eradicate entirely, and tend to recur. Many people suffer from them.

Most commonly, foot nail fungus is treated with a topical preparation - a substance that is applied directly to the nail in the hope that it will penetrate the substance of the nail and kill the fungus inside. Various substances have been used: chlorine bleach, vinegar, essential plant oils, disinfectant solutions, antifungal foot creams, and specific prescription drugs. These cures do sometimes work - prescription drugs have controlled studies to back up the claim that they can treat a foot fungus nail infection topically if treatment is started soon enough. Anecdotal reports support the use of other preparations, particularly old home remedies such as vinegar and chlorine bleach. Meanwhile scientific studies of the antifungal properties of plant essential oils such as tea tree oil indicate that these substances, too, can work.

The key to treating a foot fungus nail infection successfully lies in getting the topical preparation to the fungus itself. To aid in this, it's helpful to trim back the nail foot fungus is living in. This means not only clipping the nail in the usual way, but also carefully trimming or filing away any portions that have become thickened, flaky or soft, Trim down as much as you can without doing damage to the surrounding healthy tissue - the less the area of nail the topical treatment has to work its way through, the more likely it is to be effective.

As with all medical conditions, consult a medical professional for a proper diagnosis of foot fungus nail problems and experienced advice regarding treatment.