Thursday, December 14, 2006

      Featured Fungus Treatment: ZetaClear Fungus Treatment

Nail Fungus Medicine

Perhaps you have heard of some unusual substances being used as nail fungus medicine. Listerine mouthwash is an example of a home remedy for nail fungus infection (onychomycosis) that turns up time and time again. Is there any substance to it? There may be - many home remedies for onychomycosis call for soaking the affected foot or hand in an antiseptic solution of some kind. The solution might be dilute chlorine bleach, household vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide - all substances with antiseptic qualities. Presumably it is the antiseptic action of Listerine that inspired someone to try using it for this purpose.

There is no scientific backup for the Listerine toe nail fungus treatment and the product is not marketed for this use. Furthermore, like all treatments for onychomycosis, it reportedly works for some people but not for others. On the bright side, it's easy to get and relatively inexpensive, and soaking your feet or hands in it is unlikely to do you any harm. To use Listerine as a nail fungus medicine, simply pour enough into a basin to cover the nails on the affected hand or foot, and soak the nail for 30 minutes everyday. Alternatively, you might apply the Listerine directly to the nail several times each day with a cotton-tipped applicator or cotton ball. Be cautious at first until you are sure that your skin is not sensitive to repeated exposure to the solution.

Some people advocate mixing the Listerine nail fungus medicine half and half with vinegar to create an acid environment. It's true that the fungi that grow in nails don't do well in acid conditions, so this approach might be an improvement over a pure Listerine toe nail fungus remedy. No matter what solution you decide to use, however, this method of treating onychomycosis is likely to take time. Watch for healthy nail growing out at the cuticle. As your nail grows, the infected part should move nearer to the tip of the finger or toe, and eventually grow out altogether. If you see new healthy nail appearing, the infection is resolving.

There are a few things you can do to help your Listerine toe nail fungus treatment work for you. Most importantly have a doctor confirm that you do indeed have onychomycosis. Then, keep the nail trimmed as short as possible (but don't cut it so close that you damage the delicate tissue of the nail bed). Trim or file away any loose flaky bits of nail, and file down through the thickness of the nail to make it thinner, particularly if the infection is well advanced and the nail is thickened and distorted. Keep the foot or hand clean and dry - avoid frequent exposure to dish water, or prolonged periods encased in shoes and sweaty socks where there is no air circulation. Then be conscientious and patient - success with Listerine nail fungus medicine will take dedication and time.